today i let go of thining
i realized maybe ive just been thinking
too much trying too hard
and that i can just let go and not think
every morning i wakeup and i try counting
and i feel better for a split second and i know i can
bring that feeling into my life
and when i say i feel better i mean
i can breathe
for a split second
i let myself not think about anything
and i feel better i catch my breath
my breath catches me
and i know that the stress i feel
just comes from thinking
from rushing
from wanting to get to the future
to place where i feel better
where i feel at ease but i get to feel at ease now
i get to love myself now i get to love myself
now i know it’s only a matter of
of perspective of how i choose to
feel it’s my choice how i feel
so grateful
to be aware
to love myself and know that it’s a feeling
it’s more a feeling than it is anything else
and i can choose to love myself now
i get to make the choice to love myself
now today i will count and lose myself in the
god self
and not worry about this world
i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and i know that is my choice
it is my choice tto not
about the future
it feels good to not worry aboutt his
thisw rold
world the
and the future i never have to think about the
i can just celebrate this here and now
here and now
i love who i am right now
in this here and now i can realx i
relax into the here and now i can
relax into counting
i relax into the god self
in this here and now and i know that
is my
that is my super power
i never have to wonder
i never have to wonder
i never have to wonder
i get to jump into the flow
and just trust and just feel
good about myself and others
i get ot feel
to feel good about yse
myself and others
i feel good ow i feel the flow now
i love myself now and iknow the
the secret is in the noth thining
not thinking i knkow i can
not think and i will feel better
i don’ thave to try
anything to feel better
i never have to wonder why i don’t feel
wonder what i am doing wrong
i can just trun
turn my attention within
and allow life to
unfold around me
i know that not
none of it ever matters
i love myself in this here and now
i love my life in this here and now
i love my body
i love my mind
i love my creativity
i love my work
i love my wife
i love my cats
i love my home
i love my city i love
my life!!
i feel good nw i feel
i feel great now i feel the feeling now
i feel good no i feel
the letting go
right now i know that i can
let go so grateful
to crack the code
to know i just been thining
thinking too much and i can
awlays m
make the choice to let that go
to detach myself
from that addiction
it feels good to make the choice
to feel good about
about myself today
i love feeling good i love who i am
i love that i can always let go
and i con’t have
don’t have to trus
to rush from moment to moment
i can choose to trust the flow
right now
to focus on the feelings
right now i feel good right now
i feel good i love counting
andl etting
letting go and feeling good
i love that i know the secret it always
is always right here with me so graetful
grateful i know
so grateful to feel good to feel good
to feel at ease in this here and now to realx
relax and know that
it feels good to feel good!!
i was just thinking too much!!
caring too much!!
i know my super power is not caring
my super power is letting go and knowing
feeling my super
power is feeling good and i can
always feel good i get to feel good
i get to naturally feel good
for no reason
and just celebrate life
i love that i get
to celebrate life i love
celebrateing my
life right now i love that i never havet o wor
to worry or wonder
i love that i get to just love i love
that her e
there is so much to love
i never have to wonder and i can jsut
relax into the feeling i love that i know this
i love that i know this i love that
i feel good now i love
that i feel good now i love that
there is so much to love
i love myself in this here and now
i love that there is so much to love
i love the feeling of allowing myself
to love myself!!
to love this day to love this here
and now i love this
here and now i love that t
there is so much to love i love that
if eel good today i feel at ease
i feel the flow flowing through me
i allow the flow to flow through me
i jump into the dasy
day knowing that today will be a good day!!
i love keeping up the good work i know
that this is the only work and i can
relax into the here and now
the only thing i can ‘do’
is relax in the here and now
my only ‘job’
is to count my only job
is to count
my only job is to feel good!!