the god work the god feeling i’m feeling for the god feeling
i feel for the god feeling whenever i don’t feel the god feeling
i know that the only thing that brings it back
is the knowledge of god the knowledge that
everything reflects me that i’m creating it all the time
that i get to love that i get to feel gratitude that i
get to this work and feel good that
i get to do the god work that i get to send the signal of love
today i’m doing the energy work
i’m aware of the energy i’m aware of the version i create
the moment i start my writing
the gifts come to me and i know that’s how it works
i love that i get to wake up feeling good
that i get to enjoy this magickal day
that i get to feel good that i get to feel the truth of god
i love that she’s not here!
i love that life is good i love working out and feeling
fit i love that i get to feel good i love wkaing
waking up feeling good
i love that i get to feel at peace i the knowledge
doing the knowledge work doing the knowledge work
the energy work the feeling work the knwoing the
knowing work the god work the god work
is so easy when you just do it
the work feels good the god work feels good now the
work feels good now i love that i get to choose that i
know this is my work that i can transmute anything
that i can make anything work in my favor
i know the energy work i know the energy work
i know the feeling of raising my vibration
of my
of devotion to my vibration that’s all it is
to see the magick you devote yourself to your vibration
and that’s it
you devote yourself to the signal you send because you know
that life is just a projection of the signal
it never isn’t
if you want to see something different,
create it differently
i love that i know this i love that i know th feeling
the feeling of god i love that li know
i kno
i know the feeling of god that i am
god the energy work the tuning work i love that
i’m tuned that all that matters is if ii’m tuned
i love that i get to have a tuned day!!
grateful for the flow of life flowing
through me for the god energy flowing through me grateful for
this day for the god in this dsay
grateful to choose grateful to choose to
feel good now to
feel good now to feel
good now to feel
grateful to do the focus work
to feel good work to feel good work
the feel good work the feel good work
the god work the alignment work the knowing
work grateful to feel the knowing work the love
the love switch to flip the love switch to look
for what i want to see to feel energized to feel
doing the work the love work the love switch
gratefult o flip
the love swtich
grateful for the god self for the god
energy to allow love to fill me up to choose love
to choose the energy to choose the
devotion to how i feel i choose to
feel devoted to how i feel i love
that i know that all i can do is feel
devoted to how i feel how i feel i get o
i get to feel good i get to feel good
no matter what and that is my work that is
the only thing i need to focus on
how i feel about it and the
version i’m creating in my head i know that’s
my only work that is my only work
and i am
completely devoted to that work
because i know it’s all there is
i love that i get to choose
that now i can come back to this good moment
as evidence of the version i wnat
i’m look for evidence of the version i prefer
and the more i do
the more i see i know this is
universal law i know this is universal law
i love that i get to feel good that
i get to feel good that get to feel energized for the day
by the day by the god self in every moment by the god
in ever moment
every moment by the blessings in every moment
knowing i get to choose how i feel i get to know
i get to choose i love that i nkow this
is the only work the energy work is the only work
the devotion to the god self
te on
the on the bus self is all there
is i love that i know there’s
blessings in
every moment
i feel the energy of life flowing through me
i feel the energy of alignemtn
i feel the energy of alignemnt
i feel the energy of alignment
i am aligned aligned with god the
energy of god and i am totally devoted to this alignment
i know this alignment is my only goal and
my only work i know this is my only work and
i need only seek this alignment
i nkow that it’s easy to feel good to feel the
to feel the flow of
the god self the god self is the only work
the alignment with this knowledge
is the only
is the only is the only thing there is
devoted to the god self to the feeling of alignment
the feeling of alignment and i get to choose to
feel ir gi
it right now i know this is the only work
this is the only work this is
the only work t
this is the only work this is
the only work the
energetic work is all there is
i love that i know this!!