today i’m excited about thet hings i GET to do
the way i GET t live mmy life the life i get to live the life i’ve
created for myself
i love that i get to do what i want i love
that i get to feel a feeling of celebrating
i love that its always here with me
an di dont need anythin g
to add to it that i can always find that enthusiams
right now
i always have access to it and i love that i
get to feel it that i get to be awre
and get to feel the feeling i wnat to feel that
i can add enthusiasm and grattidue to any moment
and it makes life so much better i love that i dont have
to resist
and i get to claim and love this day i love that
i get to love this day that i get to feel good
that ig et to feel god that i knwo i am god
i get to feel good today i
get to celebrate life todayi get to allow
god through me today i get to
feel good today i get to feel the
enthusiams of life
i get to
celebrate the life i create every second
today i’m celebrating me and that’s all i can
i’m celebrating god and the
life i know tot be true in this here and now
all i can ever do
is focus on the work is focus on the feeling focus
ont he god within i know
that i am the one and only creator
i know that i am the one
and only creator
i tap into this power
into this knowledge and i use it
today i get to be enthusiastic about life@@!!
today i get to feel it get to feel the
feeling get
to fee the feeling get to feel the
feeling of life i get to
look how far we’ve come!!
i get to celebrate feeling good i
get to celebrate the feeling of knowing the feeling of knowing
so grateful there is always more than enough!!!
so grateful for this day
i get to create for the opportunity to tap into the god self
for the opportunity to create
to celebrate life to celebrate lust for life
so grateful i get to celebraet life
tha i get to create life that i get to celebrate me and the
life i’ve made i love that i get to celebrate life
that i notice that i hadn’t been celebrating every moment and i get to
do that just wtih how i i feel i get to choose how i
feel i get to sh
choose how i feel sitting here right now
i get to choose to eminate enthusiasm
i know this is the secret to life
just the knowing that god is taking care of everything
that knwoing is the secret to lfie
god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the
universe this all providing source of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me
the reality of me
is merely an outpicturing of my inner world
so grateful i get to feel it get to know it
get to knowit
for real get to knw it for reall
get to feel the truth of it
get to choose enthusiasm
i feel good about my liife
i g
i feel great about my life
iam enthusiastic about the life i ve created
my life is a work of art
my life is a work of art
and i love that i am always creating it
that i am the creator of me
i love that i am
the creator of me and i know this is thrue
true i know that ive lived it and i
i get to live it every second of every day
i love that i am an artist and i get to spend my days
making my work i lov ethat i a
i already am i love that standy by my work
i love that i get to celebrate life i love
feeling tune di love feelign optimistic
i love feeling
i love that i am optimistic
ia m knowing i do know that god
is always creating what i want
that my desires are always being satisufied
i can
relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance is
eternally operating in my life
i’m tapped into the divine frequency i’m tuned to it
i am it
i AM it
i AM it
i am the divine frequence i am
god i am the creator the feeling is the
creator the frequency is the creator
the frequency is the creator
and i am it
so grateful to remember to remember the
access to the feeling to remember its all there is
to remember that i’m on the bus
i’m allowing god to flow through me
that i know that god is always reacting
that i nkow the miracles are sont
constantly in the air
yoou just have to look for this
lie li
that life is constatnly working ot for me
i just have to look for it!!!
the moment i let go and allow life
to show up i see so much evidence of it
today i’m on the lookout for miracles
i’m on ght e
on the lookout for god
showing up in everything
on the lookout for
that i am the powerful creator of mylife
experience and i knwo that is itrue
i know that is true and i knkow that life
knows also i love that i kno wand i get to
to feel it get to feel the truth of it
that nothing is ever missing from my life
that i can trust the feelig that
i can trust the intuition that i can truat the
trust the feeling i love that ‘m already
there i love that i already made it!!