i love that i can decide and then it is
its just that easy to make the choice i get to make the
choice i get to make the choice
today is a good day to have a good day!
today is an amazingly awesome day to have a good ay
to have an amazingly awesome day
god is lavish unfailing abundance
and i know that i ma the
the creator of the
the realizer of the the p
the programmer of that
i know that what i see in front of my eyes
is the shadows cast by my inner being
and that the real world is within
and the ‘real world’ most ppeople
speak of
is the shadows
the reflection
the imprint of the inner world
so i workd on my inner world every day
and i feelt he connection with it
then i remember that the outside world
is mealleable
and it can change in an instant
the instant i choose to view it in
a different way
today i am grateful i am grateful for everything
i am grateful for everything so much
so much to be grateful for i love
that i know that i can tune into the magick of life
and let go of the static
i tune into the magick of life
and let go of the statid
i tune into the magick ofl ife
i tune into the magick of life
andl et go of the static
let go of my beef with life lol
andl ove life it feels good to tune into the magick
to keep tuning into the magick
and allow that magickal energy to flow
it feels good to do the work
of tuning in of getting out of my own
way it feels good to get out of my own way
to know my own truth
god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omiprese
omnipresent substance of the universe
i feel good i feel good i feel the
resonance of life i feel the pure energy of life
i am in tune with the pure energy
of life i know that i am the
programmer of my reality
and everything i see in life
reflects that code
i thoguht i felt guilty that i couldnt go
but i feel guilty that i dont want to
i love that there’s always more than enough i love
that life i loves mi love that i love me i love
the better it gets i love that i
it feels good to love myself it feels good to love
myself i tfeel it feels good to love
myself ot love
this here and now it feels good to love this here and now
i seet he m
the magick everywher eand im celebrating life
im celebrating life right now im
celebrating life right now im celebrating
life right now i love
where i am right no i love
i lovw h
where i am right no wi love
i love wher ei am right now
i love wher ei am
right no i lo
i love i love thatl ife i
is good i love feeling the pure energy of life
flowing htrough me
i love feeling the pure energy of life
flowing htrough me
i feel good i feel the magick of life
the energy of life the energy of life
the energy of life i fee the
the flow of life running perfectly through me
im brave enough to get out of the way
to operate at a higher level
im brave enough to operate at the level of the infinite
i love that i feel free and flowing knowing that
life is the perfect
of my inner world
i feel life flowing through me i allow
life to flow through me
the static
i diffuse the static
and i know that’s the feeling i crave
the feeling of connection to self
the devotion to self
that results in
a practiced sense of focus
that results in ease because of
choice that results
in that choice getting easier and easier
the choice to stay centered
and that is when you see the magick
when you refuse to allow things
to drag you around
your emotions around
when you stand up to your thoughts
and stay resolute in your emotions
then you feel and see the magick of life
when you say
ii’m going to feel good anyway
then you see things unfold in your favor
today intend to get out of the way
today i refuse to feel bad
i will just allow the gratitdue
and knowing of god to flw through me
knowing that nothing is certain
nothing is in stone and its all just an illusion
its all just an illusion
its all just an illusion
today i choose the other side of the wave today i
choose the other side of the wavee
today i choose to feel good choose to feel love
choose to feel love
today i release the static
today i release the static
and choose to operate on love
i choose i love
i choose love i cont h
dont have to align with the static
i can choose the version i wnat
and believe in it!!
i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose
to just trust it just trust it
i dont have to allow static
i dont have
to allow static
i can choose flow
i can choose to be aware of the flow of creativity
which is continuously easily and effortlessly pouring forht from my divine consciousness
i am now aware i am now in the flow
i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware
to understand and to know that the divine
consciousness i am
is the source and substance of all my good