i recognized the feeling the feeling of picking on myself
the feeling of finding something to pick on in my reality
the feeling of looking for something to pick on
to pick apart i recognized that and i know that is not the path to bliss
i know that thoughts create and attention creates and
i am aware now of the ersion i ver
i create with everyth
thought expectation and emotoin
today i am brave enough to feel secure
in who iam to feel scure
secure in life today i am brave to feel good about
who i am today i am brave enough to feel good about who ia m
to feel good to feel tood
to feel the way i want to feel today i am brave enough to feel secure
to trsut
trust god to carry me i know that god is always on my side
i trust myself to commune with god i
trust myself to feel good no matter what
i trust myself to remember that it’s only a feeling i
it’s only ever a feeling i trust god to allow el
well being to flow through my body i
turst god to allow well being to flow
i trsut myself to let go of the
obsession i trust myself to let go i trsut
myself to feel good to feel good
to love myself no matter what to feel boo
good about msyelf no matter what and that’s all ic an o
all i can do is this work
if i notice i’m feeling insecure its because i dont trust god
its becausee i dont trust love
i trsut love i tsrut
i allow well being to flow i allow well being to flow
i get to sh
f i’m feelig insecure it means in
im not with god
if i’m comparing myself to others it means im not
with god
if im not celebrating someone elses success
i’m not with god and
being with god is all ther eis
ther ever is
being with god is all there ver is
it is the sourcce of everything else
love is the sourcce of everything else
i know i can choose it and all it takes is just
choosing it over and over i know that i can just choose it over and over
and that’s all that mattes
i know that i eans
means i’m holding something there
i know that god is the source of all of it
its how i feel i know that how i feel is the
source of everything i know tha i c
i create life with how i feel i
i know hat
that i creat life with how i feel
i just can’t think like that because
that is what creates so if i want to see what i want to see
then i have to choose to see it and that is
the only way i
have to look for what i see
i have to feel secure in myself and my
reality i feel secure in myself and my reality
i am totally confident in my ability to feel good
i am totally confident in my ability to feel good about myself
and sometimes i forget but then i
remember more tahn
than ever i remember more than ever how important
how i feel about myself is
i choose to love myself i choose to love my body
no matter what i choose to loe wher e
i am right no
i choose to lookf or things to appreciate
i choose to look for ways to uplife and
i choose to lookf or ho
how blessed ia m
i choose to noitce
notice that i’m getting everything iw ant
i get to choose to celebrae
i get to choose to feel how i want to feel right now
i feel good i feel good i feel good
there is so much to celebrate
so grateful to be the best i’ve ever been
took look
to lookk the best ive ever looked to be the skinniest ive ever been
so grateful there is so much to ccelebrate and i
dont have to
i dont have to look for things that i dont like
i can look for what i do what
how god would feel and this work ehlps me
ths work helps me and i
was feeling good and i let it slip i lve
i let the work slip and i nio
noticed the affects and i am brave
enough to admit that to admit i let it slip
to know
to be grateful for the contrast that helps me focus
that lhes
me remember who i ma
that helps me rememer the security in god that elhps me
remember the security in god
that ring
brings me back to god every time to the feeling
evvery time and accessing the feeling is the only thing
that helps me mremember
remember what it feels like and the more i access it the more
bod mind and feeling nature
remember that feeling remember the truth
them ore i trun
turn toward the truth
the more i feel it the more
and i am brave enough to feel the ru
truth right here and now i am
brave ehought of eel the fee
the truth i am brave enough to feel the truth
to love me to ccelebrate me
i am brave enough to love myslef
to like m
i get to feel good i get to celebrate life i get to
celebrate my sexy wife i getto
to celebrate us i get to celebrate the good life
i get to focus on the good life and mre
remember that its only ever me
its only ever awareness
i’m the master i’m the master
two masters can exist at once
i love that i know ti love doing this ork that work
this work o
always wrk sand
the feeling is all ther eis the feeling is all there is
the feeling is all there is