totally fulfilled

it feels good to keep up
the good work to see the
effects of the practice and want to do

the work because i know it works it
feels good to want to do the work

because i know it works
it feels good to practice
feeling good it feels good
to practice feeling good
it feels good to actually

feel good

to want to do the work because it always work s

it always always works
i love that i get to say yes that i get to say
thank you

i love the wagon
i love that we have

more than enough!!

i love seeing evidence
of abundance i love that
we can afford the groceries we need i love
that i get to feel good now

i love that i get to take
care of my tetth


i love that my mom got a boat!!

i love ethat life
that life is good i love that

life is good i ilove the i love the
better it gets i love

doing this work for me

so i go to sleep feeling good
and wake up feeling good it feels good

to relax and love

to feels good to look for
what i want to see it feels good

to look for what i want to see to not
care about anything
it feels good

when i am aware of the god self
within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax int he knowledge

the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operatin in my life

i simply have to be aware of
the flow the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth

from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow i love
that my dad helped me

i love feeling at ease i liove
that tomorrow is christmas

thank you thank you all i can say is
thank you and just feel good

just feel good

just feel good just
feel good just

feel good just

totally fulfilled i love that i am totally
fulfilled i love that life is taken care of me i love that there is always more than enough

i love that life is taken care of

i love wanting to do the wrk
the work because it works i love
that nothing
can deis

distrac me from the wrok

i love that i don’t have
t car
to care and i’m
and better at

not caring and just focusing
on the version i prefer and the more
i do

the better i feel

i choose me i choose to fele good
feel good for me