i love that i know that
my enjoyment of ife
enjoyment of the day is totally up
to me its totally up to me how i feel and ho w
i make the choice to go through life i a
and i love that i know this i love that
i get to make the choice to have a good day
i ove that i know thato
how i feel is totally up to me i know that how
i feel is totally up to me and i get to make the choice
to feel good i get to make the choice
to feel how iw atnt o
want to fee i love i love that i
i know its not up to anyone else
its up to me to be a match
a match to god and i love that i know that
that i can always turn the boat i can always turn the feeling around
i can
always make the choice to feel good ic an always
make the choice to feel good now i make the choice to feel good now
to allow the flow to flow through me i make
the choice to allow life to flow through me
to feel how i want to feelright
right now i get to make the coice t
the choicet o feel how i want to feel right now
knowing that life
life always has the ability to provide
and i know that i just want to feel good and enamoured with
life that is the feeling i crave i just want to feel good int hs moment
trust this moment
trust what life is
bringing me
instead of
giving life
expectations of what it should be i love that i know i love
that i get to choose to feel good now i love that
i get to do the work right now that i get to feel good now
i love that the feeling
is always right there
that god is always right here
with me and i love that i know this i alove
i love that i get to choose to love instead
because that is what i prefer i love that i get
to choose to line up the energy i get to choose
to line up the energy i love that i know
this owrk this is the only work this is the only
feeling and as long as i feel the feeling
i want to feel life will follow i love that i now t
i know this i know
that iw ant a
af ee
a feeling and first comes the feeling i knkow that
i always hav eaccess to the feeling
i love that i knw life is
taken care of for me i love that i get to relax into the moment i love
that i get to relax into life
i love that i get to releax in
relax into life
enjoy life right now enjoy life right now
feeling good right now enjoy
feeling good right now
enjoy feeling good i love that i gt to choose
to feelgood now
fee the
feel the feeling now
have fun now
and then you are i love that i get to choose
to have fun right now
and i already am
i love that tere’s
there’s so much to enjoy in life
so mch to be
grateful for
so much to love
and i know that i am the source
i am
the one and only source
of how i feel i love that i know ths
i love
that i know
trusting the flow is the number one way to feel good
just jump in and don’t try
jump in and don’t try
i love that i don’t have
tot r
to try i love that get to celebrate always getting what i want
in every moment
i lift up my mind and heart
to be wawa
aware to undertand and to know
that the divine presence
i am
is the source and substance
of all my good
i lift up myi mind
and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am
is the source and substancd of
of all my good i know the
feeling i know the feeling is here i know the
feeling is right here and i get to feel it
now i love that i know its always
within me and i get to choose to feel it now
tune to it right now
i lift up my mind and heart
to be waw
aware to understand and to know
that the divine prsent i am
is the source and substance of
all my good
so glad i remembered
its all me
its all me
its only ever me so glad i remember
i have so much to be grateful for and
i can choose to love instead i can choose
to feel how iw ant t
want to feel now and that’s
all it is a feeling that’s all life is
is a feeling that’s all it is is a feeling
and i get to feel it now i get to feel the
feeling of life celebrating me
i know that life is always
celebrating me and i never have to wonder
i know that life is always celebrating me
i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know that
the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good
so grateful to remember tis all
its all me
so grateful to remember tis
its all me
so grateful i know and its solved
so grateful i get to have a good day now
because i remembered
its all up to me itsl aways
up to me
up to me up to me
its how i feel and i get to choose that i get to choose
how i feel and i get to choose how i experience life
and i love that its that easy!!