try again

the only work the only work
and i acccept it i accept that i need spacce and time
and i can say yes to me

i can say yes to me

i can say yes to me
i can say yes to me

i know when its time
to go wthin i know that i can focus on
god i love
i know that i dont have to care i now that this
wok always rowk

works going within

always works

i prefer to have fun
i prefer to enjoy life

i prefer to enjoy life
i prefer to have fun
i prefer to relese the rest i prefer to laugh

i prefer to enjoy i prefer to enjoy i prefer to enoy

i prefer to enjoy i prefer
to enjoy i prefer

to enjoy i prefer to go within i knwo life
that life is helping me i now that all of life
is on my side i nko this i nkow taht life is going my
way i knot hat
i can trust everything that is

i can trust everything that is
i know that i can trust everything

that is i know that

that its not me that’s not i nkow that’s

its me i know its me i now its me i can choose
to have the day i want to have

i can choose o
to have the day i want i choose to feel good now

i can choose to feel
good now i cha

can choose to feel good now
i i know i can ge tthere i can rela the

release the rest i know nothing maters
matters i now

i know i can trust life i nkow
i can trust
life i now i dont have to care i can just ride the wave
i can
just be aware all i can o i

is be aware all i can do is be aware
i love that i knwo this
i can feel good i can have fun

i can enho the day i can have good
day i can take the whell
i can

jesus can take the whell
can take the wheel love can take the whell

its me its me

and get to choose how i feel where i place
my power where i placce my power i get to cchoose

i get to cchoose hwere i aplace

my power is i know the poer of me
i know the the power of me
i know the

power of me i know the

i can release tahe rst i knwo i know i can the
i know the contrast makes me c
focus make me choose devotion the contrast maks
makes me choose devotion makes me choose devotion

to the god self
and let the rst go
nothing else matters
i know nothing else matters

i can release the rsat


its me its me its me it

its me its me
its me its me all i can do is this work im
doing the best i cn im

doing my absolute est i nkow that
i knwo im doing my best

i know im doing my best the contrast ehlps m e
remember who i really am i l
i know who i really am i

the contrast thelp ms break through

it doesnt matter what happens
because life reflects me

its me looking outside of me
its me

looking outside of me

i dont have to do anything

all i can do is trust the feeling rsut
trust the feeling i can aonly ever trust thef lw

the feeling of life the feeling of life knwois
life always knows i know that life is in my favor


i can do it i can refuse to suffer i can
feel the god self the god feeling
i knwo i prefer the god feeling

am i on the bus am
i ont eh but the
the bus am i on the tub
bus am i on the bus and i love
taht i don havet o care

i am the sourcce and the sour

my consciousness of the presnce of god within em
i knwo

my consciousness of the presencce of god withine me

i feel good if eel goof
good i feel good i feel good

good i allow myself to feel good
for no reason for gods reason for gods reaosn

i say yes to what comes
i knwo the feeling and i do the work to find it

i create my life i and i love that i knwo this i love
that i now this that
i get to feel good that i make the itm
the time to feel t

i can allow

myself to have fun
to play with life to have fun with life
to ha

to say yes and yes thats all i can do
feel the the only the bu
the on the buss feeling for nor
not all i can do is feel the on the buss
feeling o not

that’s all i can do
and allow the rest to floow

follow this is the only work

is my art