
i’m here to tune the energy
to remember who i am to ocus
focus to feel the feeling of cous

focus to
to tune to raise my vibration and
release resistance

todayi live i liive for
me and if eel the love of god for everything

i don’t have to feel bad i don’t have to
feel separated and i know that i’m doing
everything i can i’m doing my absolute best

i’m tuning i’m raising my vibratin
and releasing my resistance

feeling the totality of god and
releasing the made up thoughts of the
ego i’m choosing love now i

i’m choosing love now i’m choosing
to feel good now i’m chooseing
to feel good now i’m

choosing the flow in this here and now i’m
choosing life i

i’m choosing to tune i’m choosing the energy

i choose to feel for the
center feel for god feel for the
energy i want to feel that is all ican
ever do

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness
and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i am here and now i am here and now

knowing the infintie now i know it
will only ever be right now and how i feel
right now is how i feel for my life

how i feel right now
is my life this moment is my life

and there is only this moment

i can choose to feel good i can choose
to feel good i can choose to feel good i

i can choose to

i’m doing the work to focus
i thie

this here and now focuson the th

the feeling of life

i tune into and proteck my

protect my energy i do this work
because it is the only work
because it sets up my day

because it creates my life
this work is my life
this work creates my life

i love this work this is the only work
this is the only work th

the only work is to enjoy
to feel good no matter what
to train the thoughts

feelings and emotions away for m
the senseless fear

of the ego

it feels good to feel good to feel the
flow to savor this

i wanted this!!!

it feels good to always get what i want
to be able to enoy life
to see the enjoyment

in everything to choose joy now

it feels so good to choose joy now to choose
the feeling in this here and now
tof ocus

to focuso n how i want to feel
to line up the enegy to

to feel the god energy

money is not my supply

no person place or condition
is my suupply

my awareness understanding
and nkowle

of the uall providing activity of the
divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

my suppy isunlim

is unlimited

i know that mkyk supply
is unlimited

i’m focused on the god self
i don’ thave to feel

a separation
i never have to think i am

less than enough
i am doing my absolute best for

i am giving as much as i can
i’m doing my best for everyone

including myself

i’m feeling love for all
for all of life i feel the feeling of love
i send the signal of love

i know i am enough i know
i am enough i am enough i am


i am enough and i love myself
i appreciate myself
i appreciate this day
and i get to let myself enjoy it!!!

i wanted this and i’m going to enjoy it!!

so grateful we get to do this
get to have fun get to go to another place
get to meet people life us

get to connect to people

get to enjoy life get to have fun no matter what
get to feel the energy of life
get to tap into it

get to feel it buildng wihtin me
feelign the effecs of the

seeing the effects of the clarity

in everyting its all so obvious

it feels good to be the one and only
it feels good to fe th

i love that ig et to feel good
about that ig et to feel

that ig et to say

thank youf or that i love t
feeling the feeling of clarity
i love turning a corner i love the
feeling of me i love the

feeling of me i love knowing who
and what i am i love that i

get to choose the god feelig no matter
what and i can always choose it and

my life is about being able to find that
feeling and its really not hard

its easy because the feeling is always there
and i can always allow myself to feel it

i love knowing
this truth i know the truth
of who and what i am

and i’m so graetful to share that love

with others

so gratefl to

to share the love to feel the
love to feel gods perfection

so grateful to feel gods

to feel god’s perfection
so grateful for the flow
the flow of well being the
flow of well being

so grateful for everything that is
grateful for everything that is
so grateful to love and
be loved

i am god an i know that
and anything
where i am thinking
or mulling something over

that is not god
and i know that i can
let all that go

with confidence
and just decide how i’m
going to feel

i decide

how i’m going to feel i decide
how events unfold
and that’s how they
i do

i can always decide that
i will feel the fullness and love
of god and trust everything
that happens becuse

because everything is god
so i will be over the moon no matter what
because i know

that whatever happens

is god.