what do i need

what do i know
i not

i know that i choose the feeling of soemthing missing
and no matter hwat
what happens i get to cho

i am the one choosing that feeling
i know th
i know the truth i know the power of me
and i know wha ti need i know that i need
to have fun
doing something

i need ot have fun doing something of me
for me

and i bless that
i bless the life that i bless the life that
causese me to ask tha tha


causes me to know that and i nkow that the fun
thing is god the god life

i kow the
i know the
i know the feeling of the iwhs fulsf

filfilled i know the feeling of abundance
of total f

fulfillment i know the feeling of on the bus i nkow the
feling predeced everyting i nkow that
i get to cchooe certainty now
i love that i get to choose it now
i get to choose it now

the feeling of knwoing tha is separtaed
from all tings the feeling of e
certainty inside of me the feeling of releaseing it all

i know the feeling i know the feeling
and life is always calling me back to it

because it is my atr
state i know my natural state i know natural
bliss i relax into natureal bliss

i have my own thing i am my ow per
pweron i am my own person i love being my own person i love

dong my doing my own thing i love that

i get to have both i love tha i get to remember the power of me
i love that i get to remembe the power of me

the feeling of knowing hte
knowing of feeling the knwoig the feeling the trusting the
feelig the allowing the feeling to build
te c

the coming here to feel the feeling to know the
feeling to go b

to bed with the feeling to wake up with the feeling to
wake up with feeling to feeling the now
to know that is my natural state and life guides the resa
tot know hat love is all around to rsut
it to know that life

love is alla ournd to raut
trust everry moment ot know that god in in eery thing

i know the truth and i never have to ondr
wonder any time i start to cc
wonder i get to choose and tha is the

the power of me any time i start to wonder
i never have to wonder i ge t

to choose any time i start to wondr
i get to choose i get to choose

the veel
feeling of a vibrational bookmark
i get to celebrate the feeling ofme
i get to

feel the feeling of it being good
i ge to
to feel the feeling now i get to
feel the
feeling now not looking over ther

it feels good to find me
to remember me to knwo i need to f
remembe me that ned d
ht ath i need to focus on me

i know the feeling of the releasae i know
i know the feelni

of knowing i kow the feeling of being the s

he powe of mthe
power of the release of me

allowing of me the allowing of im
here because i know the allowing of me
and it feels good to practice that l
allowing of me to trust every thing to rsut
everry moment to

trust every singe
thing that happnes to feel the feelig now to relaes to never

to let it go reover to
let it go gorever
forever to haver fun
tdoing my own thing

i’m here doin

iwhat tdoi know what do i know what do i know

the mor i let go the more it flows

attention creates

allowint allows

what do i know what do i nkow

it doesnt matter i know it doesnt matter
i know it have nothing to gain
i kno wi have

nothing to gain i nko wi don thave anyting
to gain

so grateful to relax into
inn that knowledge
so grateufl to relax in that knowled

relax in know in
in knowing

i never have to wonder

i love letting it go forever i love
letting it be just one aspect
that i appreciate when its ther
i love

letting life come and go as it pleases i love knwoing htat
everything is a match i love knwoing im

creating it all with love i love
knowing its alredy pefet ilove the
feeling milking the feeling accessing the feeling

accessing the feelig the
feeling of vli
bliss for no reaosn i am

i am the sourcce of bliss for no reaosn
i am the

source of bliss for no reason i am
happy because life is flowing perfeclty
through me

and nothing matters because i know
everything is always perfect

so grateful i get to live by this knowing

the feeling of dropping it
the feeling
of taking m power pw

my power back the feeling of celebrating
my life feeling abundant

being aware

of not needing to separate myself
i feel that feeling now i feel
the oneness of me

i release the rest

i feel the oneness of me

the awareness of me
the nothing to gain of me

i have nothing to gain
i have

nothing to gain i have nothing to gain
that happens will change me

nothing that happens will change me