what do i prefer

i prefer the feeling of i am i prefer i am

and thats’a ll i can choose i call i all ican ever choose is and
i am anf fore
and foreg

for i prefer the feeling of i am
i prefer the feeling of letting go of not caring and i nkow that i anca
i can

i know that i can i don thave to care i can trsut god

why do i care
becaue im hurt
im hurt that she doesnt want to spend time with me
when today did you want to go to her house no
but youre still mad yes

that you got what you wanted yes

i kow it doesn’t matters

i know that’s not my source and it never will be
i know i am the source of how i feel i know

that ia mte am

the source of how i feel

i want to want to be kind
i want to want to be kind
i want to want to accept it

its me its me its me
and im creating all of it its

never them its never them th
its them
its never them its me

i turn attention on itself i let it go i
let it go i let it gall go i l

let all the thoughts go all the ma md
mae up bullshit and jus feelin
the feeling i want to feel the feeling i want to

the feelign

its never gong to me
be outside of me its me i
its me i feel h i cho

i drive life with the feeling i
im choosing to feeling
feel this

im choosing to make up evidence
when i could choose not to

i can jus choose thank you
i can choose thank ou i can choose love i can choose

i can choose love i chan canc hoose this work this work i can choose the work

its me im aware ofthe
the version i carea

create i allow myself ot have a godo life
to be grateful i allow myself to be grateful

i allow
msel to know the truth i focus on hte on enad
and ony truth thatsla ll i can do i now its not outsdie of me
its never

otusie of me
its never going to be her

its never going to be her its me its me
its me its me and life is alays helps m
hlepimg helping me remember who ia m

helpimg me rememeber how to refuse to suffer

why am i so mad why am i so mad

its not them its never them
never them

its never them its never them
and i now

so grateful to know to remember me
to remem

remember who ia m that ia m

that i am is enough

i kow that i can let it go i know that i can
choose me i now that

i nkow that i can i know that i can choose me
choose attention on itself

i am brave enough top ut attentoin on itsefl

its an addiction and
giving away my peson
personal power

choose how i want to feel and feel it
im afraid why i might get it

i might
let my guard daown

its a thought addiction
that i can easly let go and feel good

how would i feel gooda nway
its me its me its me its me

its never not me choosing how i want to feel
here and now thats’a ll ic an do i i
is feel here and now

its me choosig it its me choosing it
its me choosing it

its me making it up its always me
making it pu up its
always me making it up

i love waking up feeling good feeling love i love

feeling free and allowing life i ove feeling happy
havving a lust for life i love that i now

i know i love that i know that i
there sso much more
available to me i love that i know
i love that go is always bringing it i love htat i get to say yes to it
an feel it and know that if i start to feel that
god isn’t gring
bringing me everything perfectly

its easy to return to that focus
its just a focus i love tha t
i get to chosoe it get to remember its not oustide of me

thats’ am
made up lack
i nkokw la
lack doesn’t exist
i nkow lack desont’ exist

ic an feel good and be happy no maerr
matter what id ont have


i choose only i choose and thas’t at
the only
law i nkwo thats’t he onl law i now i thi
this is treus i nkow ite m its me
i nkow its me
i knwo tia me i chi
i choose it nwo i choose it nwo i choose life now i choose god now i choose love now why cant i send it

looking for something
in return

its not outsdie of me its not o
outside of me its never them its never thatm

ite neve them itse enve them and i have t refuse everytho ghtou

thats’ all ic an di is choose love tha
no reason not ot

just choose who am i

i am