what has been my dominant bi
vibration i would say
um insecure i guess
yes that would sum it up
not just about myself
and my abilities
but i guess about life
in general
like not focusing on the
certainty of life
getting caught up
in the uncertainty
but definitely
questioning myself a lot too
rather than choosing to stand
behind it stand up to myself
i prefer my dominant energy
to be
celebrating self
celebrating love
the confidence to celebrate
the love ofl ife
to send the love of life
to send the love of life
it feels good to focus on the
energy i want to project
and be aware of the neer
energy i am
i feel alot of time that my energy is tense
i feel the resistane in my vibration
and the resistance
is in the form of wondering
im good enoughfee
hopiong i’m good enough
striving to be perfect
questioning what is
questioning the pace of things
always wanting to do more
always feeling like
there’s not enough time
always feeling like
i’m not doing enough
those are the things i intend to
release and i come here to release them one by one i come here to
release them one by one
i come here to release that resistance
i come here to release the
resistance to life
and become aware of the energy of me
of the vibration that is me the
energy that im putting out int he the worl
i come here to gain awareness of that
i come here to
gain awareness of my energy so that i mya
may tune it i come here to
remember that i can tune my energy and
right now i can sta
take vibrational steps toward that attunement
toward the feeling of uniting with the
the god self and when i’m
in commune with the god self
i dong hav
dont have fear or doubt or worry
i feel sure and i feel filled up
i feel filled up that is the comin
dominant vibration i prefer
to feel filled up i feel
totally filled up i feel totally
satisfied with my life
as it is i feel totally satisfied and i’m so grateful
for life as its unfolding perfectly
in this here and now i’m so grateful for all thel ove
all around me i’m so grateful to know
that i am god and that is my
only job in life is to commune
with this knowledge
to commune with this knowledge
i am now awaer
i am now aware i am now in the
and when i knotice
notice that tension in my biv
vibration that cutting off of
the flow of well being
i can
release it
i release the holding on
i release whatever im’
i’m holding on tot
i release the breath i’m holding
and relax into the
i release the breath i’m holding
and relax into the flow i relax into the
flow of well being
i relax
into feeling good
releasing the tention
tension in my vibration i relase
tension and relax into the here and
now i relax into celebrating
this here and now
i relax and allow life to flow
allow love to flow
i love that i am aware i am
i know that how i feel
is what i create i know that i am
the one and only creator
and no matter w
how much people
the government
ignorant people
want you to believe otherwise
you are the
one and only creator
i know this i know this for a fact
ive seen it play out in my life numerous times
i know this i know this
i choose the version i cereate
create i choose the version i create
i feel it then i see it
i choose to feel at ease i
i choose to release
i choose to let go of everything i choose
to let go of everything i choose to let go of everything
i release all
tension in my vibration and allow
life to flow i
trust life to flow i trust life
to flow i trust life to flow i celebrate life
i celebrate life
i celebrate life
i celebrate life
i let go of things
dont stew on them and
certainly dont let them affect me
i love noticing what i’m thinking
about and being aware that i can
maet it go i am wa
aware that i don thave to
to think about things or
ruminate on them or solve them
i can release them and i
realize this is where a lot
of tension comes from
is like made up
stories in my head
made up
inventing conflict in my head
yes that really hits and why
why would i do that
looking for conflict
being addicted to conflict
and that makes sense
so i can trun
turn that energy toward peace
when i notice it
i can turn it toward peace
and i know this is my only work
the work
within i know i know its only
ever me i know the magick of life
and the more i focus
on this work the more i tap into the
magick of life
and that’s what i really care about
the rest is nothing
compared to the energetic work
of conscious creation
it is in ever single person
and it is suppresed by
those that want to congrol
but each and every person has
the energy within them
that creates worlds
i know this and i celebrate it
and i release
anything that is not in
alignment with this knowledge
i feel for the energy of alignment
and that is my only focus
and goal
i will take notice
when my vibration feels
impure and i will tune
myself back to center
i know that center is always
right here when i make
time to energy to turn toward it
i am turned toward center