what do i prefer i preer having fun and loving and
enjoying the flow flowing
i knwo only i can pinch off the fllow of well being and i have
to admit its me its me
every time its me every time but i can also
allow it at anytime
its always changing according to how i see it
and i get to choos to feel how i prefer right now
and i
get to
i gt
to choose to feel it then it it si
i get to choose to feel it then it is
and th
its that easy its easy to feel good nwo tof eel
to know that its up to me to choose it
up to me to do choos it then it is
refuse to think about the
other pr
refuse to create that refuse to create that
refuse to go there just feel god
just feel love just allowlofe
love to flow just allow love to flow
i am
who am i
who am i
not the thing outside of me
fisrt i become it then i see it
i kow i can become it
just like tht
flip the switch
and ive done t before
i kow
i now i decide
who am i ca
i can deice right now i decide right now
adn then it ise
its so easy just decide its so easy
just decide just
im happy becaue i knwo i am god
tis not outside of me and the only work
is remembering tha i created everythong out of
nothing and i now
i can create the opporsite
its the same cycle every time bu i
but i learn alo and
and i accept it i accept the waves of life
the ups and odwns of life its me
its hat i what i chose to look at its all
its all me that i chose to get hung ou
ip on something when thigns were going so well
anyway i am solves everything and i now this
i now i can
walk back to ge
before i left my integrity i nkwo the
pwerosni i wonat to want to be and i nwo i can be it
its me and i have to look
at myself im so grateful i see now i see now
i can look at myself
and see what i created i nkow
that i am a poweerful creator
i now tis me ccreatign a
nd i cang
get mad at the version i created o matter what im
making it and an i can choose the make the version i want
just ay
say this is how it is just say
this is how it is
thats it i know thats all tere
there is that
thats all there is i knwo that i get
im making it no matter what im making it no matter what
i love having fun and loving
and loving i love that i get to love
and ima
that’s all i am can do
i love that contrast that helps me focus
and that i can
take responsibility
for wha i created i amde it yes i did
i know i did
i made iwth
with my beliefs and i get