why am i here

at this computer typing right now
its to connect with who i am

what i am its to feel the feeling of connection and
let everything else go
it feels good it feels good

im here
i am

i am i am i am i am i am i am
i am i am i am

let go i release i realse the need to
i release the need to


to get things
attract things
i release the

need for anything outside of me
and turn my attention within

i trun

turn my attention toward
where i want it to be
and i do this work becuse

it works
it e

its eh preacti
practicce and i love
feeling practiced

i know that i am the one
creating i know that i am
the one

creating my life


focused on what on i know
on the energy

focused on the focus
focused on the feeling and
what i practice

i build
i strengthen
the creative muscles

i know that everything is
my creation and i love that

every day i m feeling more and more
love and less and less resistance

i love coming here to do this
work relaxing into this

here and now

and doing thei

this work

i realx

relax into this here and now
and do the work

focused on wh oi am
really am and elevated by how

far i’ve come celebrat

focused on how much i have to
celebrate andm aking
making peace iwth everyt

thing that is i
i come here to tune up to tune
up to tune up

to raise my vibration
im allowed im allowed to feel good

tis its ok to feel good and celebrate life
really wen

enjoy the day each moment it feels good
to truly enjoyt

them oment it feels good to take the biig leap
into life

what do i want what do i want

from life

to feel at ease to feel in the flow
to feel a sense of completion each day

not just that im barely staying above water

to feel at ease in everything i do
it feels so good to feel at ease to

relax into life to relax into this work to
always remember this work to always remember its always me

to retreat into self and know that
the infinite is always within it feels good
to relax into the infintie to

to relax into what i know and know
that the feelings and thoughts i

project are hwat’s
what’s creating my reality
it feels good to release to pay attentoin
to know

that i can release it feels good to
release to let go
to let loos eit

it feels good to let it all go
it feels good to let it all go
to let go of all the resiista

it feels good to do thie wor
this work because it feels good

it feels good to always be able to jump
into themoment
to always be

be able to choose how i feel

it feels good to choose to love myself
it feels good to choose to love
this her ea d

here and now it feels good to make the choice
to love this here and now
this here and now this here and now

it feels good to love myself
to love myself to feel the
upward spiral to ride the upward spiral

to know the upward spiral is
always spiraling it feels good

to connect to the knowledge
of self it feels good to do the work the only
work it feels good to do thie

the only work the only work
which is that of remember ing who

who i am

that ia m source energy that i am
god energy i know ia m god

i know i am god
i know i am the one and only onlly god i know this
i know thait
that i get to create
the vesion i
i know i am the creator
and that
is the only tign

creating it
i know this i the
the only ting creating it

im connected with self and
let the rest go and let the rest
go i choose the version i choose

i choose the version i prefer
i choose the
version i prefer
i choose the

version i prefer i choose the
version i prefer i choose the good life

i choose the good life i choose the
good life i choose the good lfie i

i choose i chose
i choose the version i choose the verison
and i allow it unofl
and i appreciate the

i love feeling connected to the flow
of life i love that i dont have any worries

i love the better it gets i love that the more
i tuen mys

myself to look toward the third eye
the more i see its effects

its power

i just look toward
my infinite knowledge
i look toward i look


the god self i feel tapped in to the god self
and i do that by

letting go of the distractions

connection with the pure version of myself
the version

underneath the thoughts

underneath reality and also above it
and all around it and alos

embodying it

i know that i am source energy i know that i am
source energy i feel the release of knowing that
i feel the release of

turning everything over to the powers of life
i turn everything over to

source energy and i know that’s all ic an do
that’s all i can do is li

in life is turn over the power to where it

truly lies and i love that i know this
i love that i can
i get to choose this and i get to allow
love into my life
i get to

to hoo
choose this and i get to allow

love into my life i get to choose

this i get to love and allow love
i get to release the hold i ry


try to have over life
and just love it as it unoflds

unfolds i get tomake
make the choice to love life as it unfolds
i love allowing life
i al

i love allowing a system