i can say thank you i can say thank you
to things right in front of my face i have so much to be graetful
grateful for i have so much to appreciate so much to love
i can gring i
bring it back around bring life back around to center
bring life back
around to center i can choose
to feel good i can choose
to feel good i can choose to feel good
i can choose
to feel good
i feel good now if eel the feel the flow now
i’m feeling pretty good i’m feeling good in my life
i’m feeling
i feel the flow flowing through me
feel the flow flowing through me i feel
the flow i feel life i feel life i feel
alive i feel grateful to be alive
i feel so much gratitude and so grateful
to remember to feel grateful to tap into that
frequency to know that it’s always there
and i have so much to be grateful for
i feel good i tap into the flow i tap into the
flow i tap into the flow
of life
i’m here i’m here what am i here doing
im i’m here connecting to spirit
connection to life
connecting to the flow of life flowing through me
connecting to the spirit within
and i’m allowing it al
i’m allowing life ii’
i’m allowing i’m allowing life i’m allowing myself to
feel good to enjoy life to say thank you
for life
so grateful for this day
so grateful for this day
and its weird but i’m getting used to it
and it feels good to swtich
switch it up
so grateful for bike rides!
i can do i can bring focus
to my vibration to my feeling nature
i can do it i can bring focs
i can allow everything esle
to rise
i’m focused in the here and
now i’m focused on gratitude
i’m focused on feeling good i’m
focused on the flow
i’m allowing the flow
to flow through
i’m getting out of the way
saying yes thank you to everything that
i’m here now i’m here now i’m open
to the flow i’m allowing the flow
i’m here now i’m here and
now i’m here now i’m here now
here now i’m allowing the flow now
i’m allowing life right now
so grateful for life right now
for the magick life right now
for the flow of life right now
the flow of life right now
i’m here i’m focused i’m here i’m focused
here i come here to remember
to remember that
it’s the connection wtih go
with god
become god and then you will
see god
become god and then you will
see god
i’m here and i’m allowing i’m here
allowing the flow to flow i’m here
saying yes i’m allowing the flow
i’m allowing i’m sayin gyes to
yes to everything that i’m
saying yes
to everything that is
i’m just tired and out of it
can kinda crabby from being tired
and not getting enough
good rest
but i’m grateful
i’m grateful for the flow
flowing through me
for the flow
flowing through me
i’m grateful for the early mornings and the
feeling of a new world
i’m grateful for a whole new world
opening and i’m allowing it to enter
i’m allowing it to enter
i’m allowing life to unfold as it may and that’s all i can
really do i’m allowing
and ii’m
i’m taking the
big leap into a whole new world
in every moment
i’m allowing life i’m allowing life
to flow through me to flow through me
to feel good i feel good and
i say yes to everything that is
i say yes to everything that is
but i’m tired
and that’s ok
you’re trying something new
you’re trying
you’re switching it up
testing life
you’re pushing life
further it’s ok
just relax and allow it
just relax
and allow it
just allow life
just allow life to unfold
to unfold
and just say yes
i know the real reason i come here
right now
it’s about
remembering t
the source
always come back here to
remember the source
i come here to remember i am the cour
the source and when i remember that
when i align with that knowledge
then i feel everything life
everything rise
i feel the tension rise
the fear rise
the pain rise
the feelings of
in sufficiency
drift away
i’m here to rmember who i am
i come here to remember who i am
and the secret ot who ia m
i s
is simple
its god
i know who i am
and its god
i know what i am
and its god
i know where i am
and its god
i know where i’m going
and its god
i know the center of me
and its god i know
the answer
and it’s god.
i know the answer and it’s
god i know i know the center of
everything and when ir emember
remember that
i can relax into everything
i can take
the big leap
into every moment
and accept that
the connection to source
is the supply
knowledge of the infinite is
the supply and i feel
knowing of that i feel positive expectation
about that i can feel things shifting i can
feel my perspective
switching from doing the work
making that new route i can
feel myself
making that new route
i just remember the truth
and i can always relax in that i remember that
truth and i can
always relax in that